Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2018.05.1067
Stem cell conditioned media (CM) is gaining increasing interest and is a promising prospect in the field of regenerative medicine. The beneficial effects of stem cell therapy on damaged tissue have shown to be accredited to their ability to secrete trophic factors, rather than their capacity to differentiate into the needed cells. Various studies on stem cell–derived conditioned media from various cell lines have demonstrated tissue repair in various conditions that involved tissue damage.
The use of conditioned media devoid of cells poses several benefits compared with the use of the cells themselves. Conditioned media can be manufactured, packaged, and transported more easily, and since there are no cells present, there is no concern about rejection due to donor and recipient disparity.
In this study, we sought to analyze the effect of a human-derived CM on "Skin Physiology". Using highly potent stem cells, conditioned media containing bioactive factors such as mRNA, proteins, cytokines, growth factors, hormones, etc. was harvested, concentrated, and preserved using a proprietary drying technology.
Results: Compared with media control, CM significantly increased procollagen peptide levels in a dose-dependent manner. Together these data suggest SCCM may provide a potential opportunity in the treatment of aging skin.

Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2012 Aug; 1(4): 177–182.
DOI: 10.1089/wound.2011.0296
Background: Although multipotential stromal cells/mesenchymal stem cell (MSCs) initially gained attention because of their ability to differentiate into multiple cell lineages, it is their capacity to produce and secrete growth factors and cytokines that makes them particularly valuable as potential cell therapeutics.
The Problem: Wound healing is an intricate process consisting of several integrated stages, including angiogenesis, collagen production, and cell migration and proliferation. Coordinating these processes to ensure rapid and thorough wound healing is necessary when developing therapeutics. This coordination, however, is disrupted in chronic nonhealing wounds, wherein the impaired blood supply and resulting ischemia compromise cellular functions and make it difficult to deliver the necessary signaling molecules.
Basic/Clinical Science Advances: MSCs secrete a combination of growth factors and cytokines, which have been shown to promote wound repair. This combination of growth factors and cytokines successfully induces angiogenesis, reduces inflammation, and promotes fibroblast migration and collagen production.
Clinical Care Relevance: The growth factors and cytokines secreted by MSCs can be administered to wounds by either transplanting cells or, as a safer alternative, using the conditioned medium of MSCs, which contains these secreted bioactive molecules. For their success in reducing wound closure time, MSCs offer a promising option for treating chronic wounds.
Conclusion: With its strong ability to secrete diverse growth factors and cytokines, MSC-based therapeutics, either with cell transplantation or the conditioned medium, offers a novel approach toward chronic nonhealing wounds.

Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020; 8: 326. Published online 2020 May 14. DOI: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00326
Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are stromal-derived non-hematopoietic progenitor cells that reside in and can be expanded from various tissues sources of adult and neonatal origin, such as the bone marrow, umbilical cord, umbilical cord blood, adipose tissue, amniotic fluid, placenta, dental pulp and skin. The discovery of the immunosuppressing action of MSCs on T cells has opened new perspectives for their use as a therapeutic agent for immune-mediated disorders, including allergies. Atopic dermatitis (AD), a chronic and relapsing skin disorder that affects up to 20% of children and up to 3% of adults worldwide, is characterized by pruritic eczematous lesions, impaired cutaneous barrier function, Th2 type immune hyperactivation and, frequently, elevation of serum immunoglobulin E levels. Although, in the dermatology field, the application of MSCs as a therapeutic agent was initiated using the concept of cell replacement for skin defects and wound healing, accumulating evidence have shown that MSC-mediated immunomodulation can be applicable to the treatment of inflammatory/allergic skin disorders. Here we reviewed the pre-clinical and clinical studies and possible biological mechanisms of MSCs as a therapeutic tool for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Dermatology Times, October 2020 (Vol. 41, No. 10), Volume 41, Issue 10
A split-face study investigating facial rejuvenation found better outcomes using microneedling followed by topical application of a stem cell derived conditioned media versus microneedling alone.
Microneedling is an efficient method for facial skin rejuvenation, but the outcomes are augmented by using a combined approach that incorporates topical application of amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cell derived conditioned media (AF-MSC-CM), according to a split-face comparative study.
The study enrolled 10 patients with mild to moderate signs of photoaging who underwent five treatment sessions under topical anesthesia at 2-week intervals. Microneedling with a dermaroller was performed over the entire face. There- after, 1 mL of AF-MSC-CM (BIO STEM CM Cell Signal Therapy Wrinkle Control kit, Bio Innovation Holdings) was applied to the right side only.
Assessments performed at one month after the last treatment showed significant clinical and histological improvements bilaterally. However, there was greater clinical improvement and better remodeling of dermal collagen and elastic fibers on the right side of the face.
“Although our study included just ten patients, the split-face design enabled our ability to detect a treatment benefit from adding AF-MSC-CM,” says Moetaz El-Domyati, M.D., Professor of Dermatology, Minia University, Al-Minya, Egypt. “We believe that stem cell therapy represents the future for facial rejuvenation and managing aging skin."